Lowe and Shockey relatives
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Lowes came to America from English and Irish ancestry in the 17 hundreds, and initially migrated to Virginia from England


Obadiah Lowe & Catherine Ownes 1810-1895

(4)  Obadiah Lowe (1810-1895) lived in Kirksville, MO and had many children, their graves are mostly in Kirksville, MO.

Catherine Ownes Lowe (1813-1893) wife of Obadiah.

(3)  Daniel Lowe (1789-1859 Iowa place of death) (son of John W. Lowe) and Hannah Baber lowe(1794-1852 in Davis, Iowa). Hanna is 18 degrees from Queen Elizabeth 11 Winsor. She was the daughter of Obadiah Baber and Hanna Martin

(2)  John W. Lowe (1762 - 1826) born in Lowesville, Shenandoah, VA and Frankey Adams 1775 born in NC , where parents of Daniel Lowe. John was married March 2, 1789 to Frankey Adams, in Fauquier County, Virginia, which was divided from Prince Williams County in 1759: prior to the United States independence from England. 

(1)  Melzar Lowe, 1734, born in England was John Lowe's father. Melzar Lowe was married to Catherine McKenny and Susanna (Unknown last Name)

Melzar Lowe children; John W. Lowe (1762-1826); Jacob Lowe, 1769; Abraham Lowe (1764-1830)



John & Amedda Lowe 1840-1904

John Lowe (Jan 2, 1840 July 12, 1904), John Lowe was a farmer-stockman who came to Adair County in 1866.

Armilda Lowe (Jan 26, 1841-Jan 25, 1907), inturned at Oak Grave Cemetary east of Kirksville, MO

Cleveland Lowe & Mrytle Shockey

Cleveland G. Lowe (John Lowe And Armilda Lowe's son) is the grandfather of Paul Lowe, Judy Lowe Kelley and David Lowe.

Myrtle Shockey Lowe was born 1888. Maried Cleveland Lowe 1908 when 20 yrs old


Chester Lowe, Charles Lowe, Myrtle Shockey Lowe (their mother)

Chester Lowe is the Father of Paul Lowe, Judy Lowe Kelley and David Lowe

Chester Lowe & Delores Dearth

Cherster Lowe is the Father and Deloris Dearth Lowe (2/24/1913- 4/1981) is the mother of Paul Lowe, Judy Lowe Kelley and David Lowe, all born in Akron, Ohio.

Paul Lowe, Judy Kelley, Director, Chris Kelley, Dave Lowe: April 1981--->

Paul E Lowe (1945), Judy Lowe Kelley (1938), and Dave C Lowe (1937-1998) are brothers and sister. Christopher Kelley is one of Judy's sons. Photo was taken at the funeral of Delores Lowe in Akron, Ohio.

Cleveland Lowe, Myrtle Schockey, Aunt Annie Shockey, Newton Schockey, Joseph lowe Schockey, Luther Schockey

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