Paul & Mary's Picures
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Pictures of Paul & Mary and a few friends
These are a few pictures of Paul & Mary mostly taken recently for those who have not seen us for awhileSmile

Paul & Mary 2010 Los Alamos, NM

Mary Lowe los Alamos, 2010
Mary in Los alamos, NM
Mary's picture in her therapist chair
Paul in Los Almos, 2010
At the Los Almos National Lab Enviornmental monitoring group
Paul 1995 in Amarillo, TX
So we tried to bury Nuclear Waste here, but congress said no
Paul & twins
Mark Lowe & Z Lowe's little off-spring
Cadence in Boulder, CO
It was a boring breakfast
Paul in 1956
With Thelma Wagner, my favorite outfit
Paul, Mary, & Mary Harris in Santa Cruz, CA
This picture was taken on the famous Santa Cruz warf while we were watching the sea lions
Mary Lowe & Paul Lowe

Wedding 1978

Mary & Monica in Savannah, GA
Mary's friend Monica at their 80 acre estate
Balloon Festival
In Albuquerque with friends and balloons
Evan Adar in bandelier Monument NM
My little brother Evan at 11 years old: what a personality

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