Mary's Relatives and Friends
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Jason and Zack Kirker

Nora Kirker 16 yrs old

Suzy, Mary, Jason, Nora, Zack (2)

Mary and niece Carmen, Husband & daughter

Zack Kirker

Poland, Mary, uncle Wadek his daughter, wife & Cousin Irene

Poland, the farm where Mary's father grew up

Poland, Adriana, Mary, Arto (on lap), Paul & Don Davis


Poland, Pendarowski's house

Poland 1943, Mary's father's family

Mary and Aunt Helen in Polish wheat field


Griffith kids 1992

Mary, Paul & Mary Harris in Lake Tahoe

Jason Kirker age 17

Jason & Nora Kirker

Mary & Nora Kirker (Niece) Augusta, GA

Mary's Mother and Father & Mary

Pam & Mary in Prauge and their friends

Pam and Mary in Europe somewhere

First husband Paul, at Red Rock National Park

First Love Gabby, in South Carolina

Paul & Mary Lowe at Aiken, SC house

Poland, Pendarowski's house

Paul, Mary, Monique & Keven Wise

Jason Kirker, Chester Harris, Paul Lowe

Alene, Mary Lowe, Rodger Hagmaier @ Mt Charleston 2007

Zack Mary, Bailee, Nora

Mary's boyfriend 1974

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