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Evan visting Los Alamos NM 2008

Aubry in Las Vegas 2006

Dylan in Los Alamos 2009

Walton girls - Augusta GA

Evan & Mary at Xmas 2008

The Brunos & Kelleys nephews and grand nephews

Johnathan in Red Rock Park Las Vegas

Quinton born Sept 26, 1991

Frank born June 25, 1998

Ronnie and his new bride

Sleeping Lowe Denver Co

The Walton at their gracious dinner in Augusta GA

Griffin with hair

Pam & Granddaughter

Steven & Jonathan a few years back

Steven & Paul

Mary's grand Niece & Nephew

Josh 2007 Boulder City

Evans brother William


Christmas Rapper, Victor

Sean, Paul, & DJ Colorado River 2007

DJ, Josh, Sean Hiking trip 2007

DJ on Hiking Trip Colordo River 2007


Evan Los alamos